- Develop a community of practice, entitled [need full title here ] (XR-FLC) to engage peer educators, transfer and sustain XR-enhanced, student-centered active learning
- Develop an online repository of XR Open Educational Resources (XR-OER)
- Conduct in-class trials and pilots to compare the effectiveness and pedagogical impacts of different types of XR technologies
- Develop and disseminate best practices of pedagogical use of XR for promoting STEM learning outcomes and narrowing achievement gaps for [need title here] (URMs) in Hispanic-Serving Institutions(HSIs)
The Supporting Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with XR (ALIS-XR) is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) program Improviing Undergraduate STEM education at Hispanic-serving Institutions under awards #2126723 (Fresno State, leading institution), #2126716 (San Jose State), and #2126711 (Sonoma State).